Hearts in the home

Hearts in the home

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Autumn is knocking on the door....

I always feel slightly disappointed with this time of year..you expect the weather to still be warm and sunny and that Summer should be in full swing but judging by the bank holiday weekend Summer I think, is backing her bags and Autumn is ready to move in....which always gets me thinking about the months ahead and ultimately Christmas. Living in a Victorian Cottage, I have always felt that my house is better suited to the Winter months than Summer. I love tucking the house up, with sheepskin rugs in the bedrooms, throws on the beds, fires roaring and the whole family tucked up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and a good movie.......the saying, 'no one is coming in and no one is going out' springs to mind!

One of my favourite things that I did last Autumn was create a blanket log basket in the lounge....I took all my throws and blankets and rolled them up like logs and stuffed them into a lovely big basket...then of an evening when perhaps, we just wanted to wrap ourselves up all we had to do was pull out a 'log' from the basket and snuggle up be it with my husband or a good friend.

I love making friends and family feel special when the come to stay, perhaps with a comforting meal, a hot water bottle in their bed, a chocolate coin on their pillow..I can't wait to make my guest room hearts for that extra special touch....a little scented lavender heart to hang on the door or placed on their pillow saying 'guest room'........ and I love waking up to the smell of fresh bread at the weekends...achieving this is not as difficult as it used to be, no need for making bread by hand these days with bread machines now widely available on the market...add all the ingredients the night before, set the timer and off you go!

I've just started thinking about of what I can stock my freezer with for the colder months approaching....there is something about the smell of cinnamon that I just find addictive, and knowing I have a bowl of stewed apple with cinnamon waiting in the fridge, to have with breakfast or perhaps with some yogurt in the evening, I find strangely comforting...I'm wondering how I can get that smell into my hearts..something I am at this moment working on!

Well Halloween and Bonfire night are just around the corner..I have just bought from Kims Colourway (she can be found on Facebook) 3 pumpkins that she kindly knitted for me...I think they are going to look fab in my hall way with a few candles lit..I can just see now a big vase filled with twigs, cobwebs and Autumnal finds, something I will definitely be looking forward to......xx

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